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Neurosurgery Referral Guidelines for MAP

Patient info requirements:

  • Patient must be age 18+.
  • Complete referral form.
  • Patient demographics, including insurance.
Clinical documentation requirements:

  • Most recent clinic visit note.
  • Previous diagnostic evaluations.
  • Relevant imaging (MRI) supporting diagnosis.
  • Previous subspecialty evaluations.
Mark dx here Condition Send to ER  Send Urgent Referral Send Routine Referral Do not refer
Aneurysm If symptomatic X
Back pain X
Brain cyst (including Pituitary) X
Brain tumor/neoplasm X
Carpal tunnel syndrome X (refer to UT Health Austin)
Cauda equine syndrome If symptomatic X
Cavernous malformation X
Chiari malformation X
Conus medullaris lesions/syndrome X
Cord compression If symptomatic X
Disability evaluations X
Hydrocephalus If symptomatic X
Loss of function from presumed disc disease X
Myelopathy X
Neck pain X
Pituitary cyst X
Spinal cord cyst or syrix X
Spine tumor/neoplasm X


Thank you for your trust and confidence in referring your patients to our Neurosurgery clinic. The table above is not inclusive of all Neurosurgical diagnoses. It is intended to assist the referring physician in initiating the referral process. If you have a referral question that is not included in the list, please call our office and the on-call Neurosurgeon will be in touch with you to discuss it. Our goal is to provide your patients with efficient, compassionate and high-quality care.

Contact us:

Seton Brain and Spine Institute (SBSI)
Health Transformation Building
1601 Trinity St. Ste. 704 (F)
Suite 704
Austin, TX 78712

 Phone: (512) 324-8300
Fax: (512) 324-8301

 Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
(Closed on Saturdays and Sundays)